How you can hire more employees now!

Rosen Plaza Hotel Salon 9700 International Dr, Orlando, FL, United States

Even before the pandemic, employers and recruiters struggled with hiring. Today, companies are offering money to job seekers just to show up for an interview. This has to change. Roger will share how his group used multiple recruiting resources, processes, technology, and people to pull off a feat nobody thought was possible. For hospitality employers, […]


Hiring Trends and Closing the Skills Gap

Rosen Hotels Operations Building 4000 Desination Parkway 3rd Floor; Innovation Room 4000 Destination Parkway, Orlando, FL, United States

Hospitality Human Resource Association present Ormilla Vengersammy and Jeff Rozak with the COIL Learning Center Across the board, the workforce is changing and evolving in many different ways, with new […]

$25.00 – $35.00

HHRA Holiday Lunch

8250 Jamaican Court, Orlando, FL 32819 8250 Jamaican Court, Orlando, FL, United States
$35.00 – $40.00

Building Trust; A Cornerstone Skill

Orange County Convention Center; Northside Restaurant

During this presentation, Chuck Simikian, will look at the top ways and techniques that he has used in his career to build trust with colleagues, co-workers, and employees. Genuine behaviors […]

Free – $40.00

Mid-Year Legal Update

Sheraton LBV 12205 S. Apopka Vineland Road, Orlando, FL

We look forward to seeing you there!

Free – $40.00

HHRA Annual Holiday Luncheon

Rosen Centre Hotel 9840 International Drive, Orlando, FL, United States
Free – $45.00

HHRA January Legal Update

Experience Kissimmee 215 Celebration Place, Kissimmee, FL, United States
Free – $40.00