Monthly meetings

HHRA monthly meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month. The program features a legal update by our resident attorney firm: Jackson Lewis. An expert speaker presents for an hour on a Human Resources related topic with a focus or impact on the hospitality industry. The association encourages participation by hospitality management to connect with relevant leadership related topics.


HHRA sponsors an annual social event that allows for networking among its members in a more relaxed and informal environment. The organization also makes an impact in our local community through philanthropy by partnering with an Angel Tree Organization each year during the holiday season.


HHRA offers meeting sponsorship opportunities for interested organizations or individuals. Our $500
sponsorship includes:

  • Announcement on our monthly flyer to all association participants
  • An introduction and a 3-5 min presentation to highlight your services
  • A spotlight on our website: Homepage and on our Resource page
  • A table top display set-up during registrations/post-meeting


HHRA considers opportunities for subject matter expert presenters during our monthly meetings. The speaker must be committed to furthering the education and professional development of our participants and membership without pushing a product or service. Our association is a not-for-profit organization and a small portion of our annual budget is allocated for speaker fees.
If you would like to submit a proposal to be considered as an upcoming presenter, please complete our HHRA Speaker Proposal Form: