About HHRA
About The Hospitality Human Resources Association (HHRA)
HHRA was founded in 1982 by human resources professionals in the Central Florida hotel industry. Its membership has since expanded to all areas of hospitality, HR consultants, hospitality educators and attorneys specializing in labor law. HHRA offers members monthly educational seminars and opportunities to network with other hospitality HR professionals.
What is the purpose of HHRA?
There are many organizations that address issues important to the hospitality industry or the human resource profession. HHRA was formed to bring these two bodies of knowledge together and specifically address issues facing today’s busy hotel human resource professional.
Who are the members of HHRA?
Membership is limited to those actively engaged in a bona fide human resources management function in an associated hospitality business such as hotels, restaurants, spas, theme parks, and more. Determination of this status is at the sole discretion of the Hospitality Human Resources Association Board of Directors.
When and where does HHRA meet?
HHRA conducts monthly meetings/seminars at hotels in the Orlando area. The meetings typically last 2 hours including breakfast or lunch and a 1-hour seminar. Breakfast meetings start at 8:30 AM and lunch meetings at 11:00AM.
Member costs are as follows for the monthly meetings:
- Breakfast – $25
- Lunch – $35
What does membership in hhra cost?
HHRA Dues are $175 per calendar year. Membership includes all active HR team members of the organization.
Board Members

Kim Carson

Dorea Mays
Vice President

Schaevon Miller
Minerva Rivera
Jackson Lewis
Focused on labor and employment law since 1958, Jackson Lewis P.C.’s 950+ attorneys located in major cities nationwide consistently identify and respond to new ways workplace law intersects business. We help employers develop proactive strategies, strong policies and business-oriented solutions to cultivate high-functioning workforces that are engaged, stable and diverse, and share our clients’ goals to emphasize inclusivity and respect for the contribution of every employee.